понедељак, 15. октобар 2012.

Beer Cake-Pivski Kolac

Pivski kolač / Beer Cake

Već neko vreme merkam ovaj recept,ali nikako da se rešim da ga probam.Odbijalo me je pečenje 6 korica.Ali kao i uvek sa ovakvim vrstama kolača,sve to ide jako brzo.Kore se lako razvlače između papira,a i peku se kratko,tako da je ceo proces bio gotov za 40-tak minuta.
Moram priznati da lepši kolač nisam skoro probala.Jako podseća na krempitu,ali zbog tolikog broja kora,nije skroz kremast,nego ima šta i da se zagrize.Kore su kad se ispeku skroz tvrde,ali onda upiju fil i postanu mekane,ali ne i gnjecave.Još mi se dopalo i to da što je fil bez ikakvog maslaca,pa čak i slatke pavlake,tako da je mek,ali opet se lepo seče i ne razliva.
Ako ste ljubitelj ovakvih kolača,ja vam iskreno preporučujem.

Pivski kolač
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Potrebno za kore:

  • 250gr maslaca
  • 160ml svetlog piva
  • 400gr brašna
  • 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
za fil:

  • 1 litar mleka
  • 200gr šećera
  • 6 žumanaca
  • 3 kašike gustina
  • vanila
U činiju prosejati brašno i prašak za pecivo.Dodati narendan hladan maslac i pomoću noža napraviti mrvice.Dodati pivo i zamesiti testo.Testo ne treba da se lepi,pa po potrebi dodajte još brašna ili ako je suvo još piva.Podeliti testo na 6 dela i ohladiti u frižideru oko 1 sat.
Zagrejte rernu na 220C.
Ohlađeno testo razvlačiti između dva lista papira za pečenje.Dimenzije kore su 27x17cm.Nožem isecite nepravilne ivice,ali ih nemojte skupljati,nego ih poređajte na poseban list papira.Izbockajte kore viljuškom.Kore su peku 5-7' da samo malo porumene.Čim ih izvadite iz rerne,pokrijte ih krpom.Ispecite sve kore,naređajte jednu na drugu i pokrijte krpom.Ostavite da se ohlade.Ostatke testa pokrijte papirom i pecite oko 6-7' da dobiju boju.Ohladite i njih.
Za fil,umutite žumanca sa šećerom,a posebno razmutite gustin u malo mleka.Pomešajte sve i sipajte u hladno mleko.Dodajte i vanilu.Stavite šerpu na srednju vatru i kuvajte,povremeno mešajući,dok masa ne proključa.Čim proključa,sklonite sa šporeta i ostavite da se ohladi.Promešajte povremeno.
Ohlađene kore bogato filujte ohlađenim filom.Nafilujte sve osim zadnje kore.Malo fila ostavite u frižider.Poklopite kolač nečim teškim i ostavite u frižideru minimum 8 sati.Izvadite iz frižidera,premažite preostalim filom i pospite mrvljenim ostacima kora.Pospite šećerom u prahu i secite na kocke.

Beer Cake

Ingredients for the cake layers:

  • 250gr butter
  • 160ml lager beer
  • 400gr flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
for the filling:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 200gr sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 3 tbsp cornstarch
  • vanilla
In a kneading bowl,sift the flour and baking powder.Add the grated cold butter and using a knife make crumbs.Add the beer and knead the dough.The dough shouldn't be sticky,so add some more flour if necessary,or more beer if it's too dry.Divide the dough in 6 parts and chill for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 220C.
Chilled dough roll out between two sheets of parchment paper.The dimension of the layer is 27x17cm.Cut out the edges so you get a correct size of the layer.But don't gather the leftovers of the dough,but arrange them on another piece of paper.Prick the layers all over with the fork.Bake the layers for 5-7' just until slightly brownish.Baked layers cover with clean kitchen towel.Bake all layers,arrange them on each other,cover with the kitchen towel and let cool.Cover the unbaked leftovers of the dough with another piece of paper and bake for 6-7' until they get some color. Let it cool.
For the filling,whisk the egg yolks and sugar.Dissolve the cornstarch in some cold milk,mix it with egg yolks and add it all to the rest of the cold milk.Add the vanilla.Put the saucepan on a middle high heat,add let the mixture heats up until just boils.Stir frequently. When it comes to boil,take it  from the heat and let it cool,stirring from time to time.
On the cool layers spread some filling generously.Don't put the filling on the last cake layer.Save some filling in the fridge.When you done with the filling,cover the cake with something heavy and chill for at least 8 hours.Take it from the fridge,spread the filling on top of the cake and sprinkle with crumbled dough leftovers.Dust with powdered sugar and cut into cubes.

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